Monday, June 8, 2009

First Morning

It's June 8, my first day at UHD! This feels more like a twitter-style posting than a blog post, but I'm delighted to find that when I got here at 7:30, folks were here and ready to go. I'll be in UHD new employee orientation until some time this afternoon, then begin following up with my list of tasks -- already more than a handful of things to get working on.

I have a list of 30+ books and resources I am interested in reading related to library web sites, design, and organizing information. My first impulse was to purchase them for a personal library, but when the cost hit over $1300 on Amazon, I switched to a "borrow it" way of thinking and was amazed to find most everything I wanted was available in the UHD or UH-system libraries!


choral_composer said...

You're gonna be great!

Anonymous said...

We haven't met yet, but I'm Michael The Nights And Weekends Guy at Circulation. Welcome to UHD, it's a great place.

Steve said...

Thanks Michael!